It is a solvent-free, epoxy-based, two-part, decorative, ultra-transparent, reaction-dried pure epoxy resin. It can be used in decorative coatings and three-dimensional coatings.

Surface Preparation&Application
The surface should be cleaned and prepared for application such as dirt, rust, oil, etc.The mixture is prepared according to the application area. Molding is done. If bubbles and froth are observed, they are removed by heat gun or shake.

Thinning / Blending Ratio
Do not dilute with thinner. Blending A+B : 100 + 60 (1,66 +1)

Coverage Area
Coverage area depends on the coating thickness. Solvent-free product, does not lose volume.

Drying Time
It completes the touch dry time in 7 hours and completely dry in 24 hours (23° C). Reaches chemical stability in 1 week.

Recommended Application Tools
Molding resin. Trowel, hedgehog roller

0,8 kg Set (0,5 kg A + 0,3 kg B) - 2,4 kg Set (1,5 kg A + 0,9 kg B) - 18 kg Set (11,25 kg A + 6,75 kg B)

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