Polipalette 2025

Ode to Water

The "Ode to Water" color palette is designed to remind us of water's delicate yet powerful identity in today's world, where we increasingly value our natural resources.  
In this palette, dominated by striking shades of blue, the tranquility of the seas is embodied in Morning Sea, which merges with the energy of Coral Magic to emphasize the harmonious contrast we see in nature. In nature, where different colors come together to create a unique canvas, the imperfect yet perfect unity of green with yellow and blue with orange also represents the balance of life. Just as humans form completeness with their flaws and contradictions.  
Like the waves rising with storms that eventually meet calm shores, we are rewarded with the wisdom of our inner strength after every challenge on our life journey. The cool undertones of Ocean Horizon blend with the warm undertones of Beach Sand, illustrating the highs and lows of the human journey.

River Fairy
Morning Sea
Coral Magic
Beach Sand
Lotus Spring
Ocean Horizon
Song of Sea Sparkle
duvar rengi

“There is nothing softer and finer than water, yet it is strong enough to sweep away and break everything in its path.”
Lao Tzu

doğaya dönüş

“We all have a mother, and it’s the earth.”
Victor Hugo

Mother Earth 

One of the most distinguishing traits of humanity is its innate desire to create. From cultivating the most challenging soils to transforming seeds into sprouts and sprouts into crops, humanity, driven by its unstoppable urge to produce, invented art. Just as a seed cracks open and breaks through the soil to meet the sunlight, humans bring forth everything that lies within them through art and design.

The Mother Earth color palette embodies the colors of humanity's enduring story with the soil—a tale cultivated with labor and crowned with the passion to create. Forget-Me-Not, a symbol of loyalty, emphasizes the modern individual's yearning to remain faithful to their roots and values amidst insecurity and doubt, while Clay Trace represents the beauty of transformation and change. 

One of the most striking colors in the palette, Harvest Moon, highlights the cyclical nature of life. Just as vines that rest in winter come alive in spring to bear fruit, only to retreat again in autumn with celebratory harvests, we too continue to bloom vibrantly where we have been broken, welcoming new leaves while bidding farewell to the old throughout life's journey.

Coal Dust
Clay’s Mark
Pure Stone
Golden Sun
Night Violet

Inner Discoveries

Our journey of self-discovery and understanding of the world begins at birth and continues throughout our lives. Like the planet we inhabit, we rotate around ourselves, growing more colorful and enriched with layers as we turn.  
At every step, we get closer to understanding our own reality and essence. The journey of inner discovery is like standing in front of a mirror; it’s a necessary path to rediscovering ourselves, making our experiences more meaningful, and finding inner peace. The Inner Discoveries color palette, symbolizing this lifelong solitary journey, is highlighted by Purple Lotus, representing rebirth despite all odds. This shade of purple, with its imagination-boosting qualities, emphasizes that the only limits are the ones in our minds.  
The calming balance of Harmonia, with its blue-green tones, conveys a sense of peace, while World Tree draws attention to the timeless battle between good and evil, as believed in Turkish mythology, where it is said to connect the earth with the heavens. 

World Tree
Lucky Bamboo
Purple Lotus
Flower of Life
yatak odası dekorasyonu

"A person is the maker of themselves.”
Oruç Aruoba

oda dekorasyonu

“There’s much to discover in the depths of space, but perhaps the greatest discovery is the courage to surpass our own limits.”
Katherine Johnson

New World

Once, people looked up at the night sky and dreamed, “What lies beyond those distant stars?”  

The true desire of those who want to explore space is more than just discovering the unknown. This desire reflects humanity’s effort to surpass its own limits, understand its existence, and open a door to the great mysteries of the universe. Space is not merely a domain of stars, but a reflection of the infinite quest of the human spirit.  

The New World color palette begins with Apollo, the silver-gray symbol of the space age, much like humanity’s first steps into space. The palette, filled with striking purples and blues, continues with the cold misty blue of Neptune, emphasizing the vital importance of water once again.

Milky Way


Complementary Whites

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